Looking for a Groom - Ref No: 389
2024/02/29 2024/06/16
Extra Information
Bissmillahir Rahmanir Rahim
Asalamu Alikum
Looking for a groom
DOB: 03/02/2000
Civil status: Single
Home Town: Colombo
Height- 5"feet
weight: 50kg
Complexion-Medium fair
Home language-Tamil,and English
School Attendan-MD Gunasena International School
Highest Education level: Bachelor Degree
International business Management
(BMS Graduate school )
Occupition-Assistan manager
Family : Middle
Dress code-Modest/headcovered
Fmily Details-
Father-M. Faizer
Self driver (retaid)
Mother-F.Thasleema (Home maker)
Siblings- 2 younger brothers
Bride is a pious girl,responsible person; kind-hearted, prayers five times and well- mannered
Excepting for a Groom:
Age between 27-30, Educated, religious; caring and supportive person
abroad proposals are also considered
Kindly note that we are seeking a groom who does not anticipate any kind of dowry.
Contact no-0769966992 (mother)