Looking for Educated Groom - Ref No: 223
2023/05/12 2023/05/15
Extra Information
Place - Akurana, Kandy DOB - (09-06-1998) Height - 5.1’ Complexion - Medium & good looking Marital Status - Unmarried Education & Qualification - G.C.E A/L (Art stream) at Loyal ladies college, Degree holder (BEng (hons) Software Engineering ) at Esoft metropolitan University. Skills - cooking Dress code - casual (hijabi) Family Status - Upper middle class *Family Details* Father - (Marhoom) Entrepreneur Mother - Housewife (Reliable source of income) Siblings - 3 sister's all married 1. Brother in law- Chartered Accountant (Own firm)settled in Qatar with family . 2. Brother in law - Entrepreneur 3. Brother in law - Networking Engineer. Expectations - seeking a groom who is professionally Educated, religious and from respected family