Looking for a Bride - Ref No: 440
2024/04/30 2024/06/16
Extra Information
Groom Details: Age - 31 (July 1992) Marital Status - single/unmarried Appreance - Smart Complexion - Medium Height - 5.7 (172 cm) Weight - 70 kg Dress code - Smart casual Hometown - Panadura Current residence - Japan *Education & Qualification* Successfully completed ▪︎Diploma in Computer Studies ▪︎Diploma in Advanced Hardware Engineering ▪︎Diploma in Mobile Phone Repairing ▪︎Diploma in English ▪︎G.C.E Ordinary level Occupation - Working as a Store Leader at a logistic warehouse company in Japan _Part time_ Buying and selling cars *Skills* Able to deal with all types of automobile related work *Family Status* - Middle *Family Details* *Father* - Passed away *Mother* - Home maker *Siblings* 1 elder sister married 1 younger brother unmarried Expecting a religious, pretty girl hailing from a good family background, preferably around Western province. Contact: 0755672393 (WhatsApp)